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Bill Clinton | Putiton-E - The paid encyclopedia


Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton

Clinton was born and raised in Arkansas. He graduated from Georgetown University in 1968 and later from Yale Law School, where he met his future wife, Hillary Rodham. After graduating from law school, Clinton returned to Arkansas and was elected state attorney general, followed by two non-consecutive terms as Arkansas governor. As governor, he overhauled the state's education system and served as chairman of the National Governors Association. Clinton was elected president in the 1992 election, defeating the incumbent Republican president George H. W. Bush and the independent businessman Ross Perot. He became the first president to be born in the Baby Boomer generation.

Early Life and Education

Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. His father died in a car accident before he was born, and he took on his stepfather's surname, Clinton, in his teens. He excelled academically and was a talented saxophonist, earning a scholarship to Georgetown University. Later, he attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar before earning his law degree from Yale University in 1973.


Career Trajectory

Bill Clinton's political career began in Arkansas, where he served as Attorney General and Governor. Elected President in 1992, Clinton focused on domestic issues such as healthcare reform and economic revitalization. His tenure saw the passage of welfare reform and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Internationally, he worked on Middle East peace efforts and NATO intervention in the Balkans.

Newly elected Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton meets with President Jimmy Carter, 1978.

Legacy and Future

Bill Clinton's legacy includes economic prosperity during the 1990s, a balanced federal budget, and welfare reform. However, his presidency was also marked by controversies, including the Monica Lewinsky scandal, leading to impeachment proceedings though he was acquitted. Post-presidency, Clinton has focused on humanitarian work through the Clinton Foundation, addressing global health issues and disaster relief. His influence continues to shape American politics, with ongoing debates over his policies and personal conduct.


  1. 2022.
  2.  "Directory of Irish Genealogy: American Presidents with Irish Ancestors". Homepage.eircom.net. March 23, 2004. Retrieved August 30, 2011.
  3.  "Biography of William J. Clinton"whitehouse.gov. Retrieved August 30, 2011 – via National Archives.
  4.  Andrews, Edmund L. (June 21, 1993). "Clinton Reported to Have A Brother He Never Met"The New York Times.
  5.  Clinton, Bill (2004). My LifeRandom HouseISBN 978-1-4000-3003-3